Members of Merit

Gezelschap Leeghwater cannot exist without the TU Delft and the faculty of 3mE.  The people that mean a lot for Gezelschap Leeghwater are the Members of Merit. A Member of Merit has earned this appreciation by helping with education, other activities in het faculty or has showed that he/she is involved with the activities of Gezelschap Leeghwater. Every year we organize a special activity for the Members of Merit to thank them for all their help.

Pictured below the activity with the Members of Merit with the 154th Board. It took place on 26 February 2022 at BIRD in Rotterdam. 

l.t.r. Ir. W.L.T. Thijs, Ing. J.E. Seiffers, Essan Boston-Mammah, Sep Ursone, Niels de Boer, Dr. R. Delfos, Peter Klapwijk, Maartje Janszen, Mees Bartels, Ing. J.D. Broekens, Dhr. W.S. Sneekes, Mevr. W.W.F. Inggamer, Dhr. H.J.M. van Oosten, Dhr. E.P. van Luik, Mevr. B. de Bruin, S.A. Miedema

Members of Merit

  • Ing. J.D. Broekens
  • Ir. S.J. Dijkstra
  • Dhr. E.P. van Luik
  • S.A. Miedema
  • Ing. G. Pasman
  • Ing. J.E. Seiffers
  • Dr. ir. W.L.T. Thijs
  • Dhr. R. Visser
  • Drs. E. Vixseboxe
  • Dr. ir. P.T.L.M. van Woerkom
  • Mevr. W.W.F. Inggamer
  • Dhr. W.S. Sneekes
  • Mevr. B. de Bruin
  • Mevr. S. Gijsberts
  • Dhr. H.J.M. van Oosten
  • Dr. R. Delfos